Tuesday, November 16, 2010
its 3:25am and im in my new home in Utah . Sleep has been on my mind for the last couple of hours, laying in bed i understand that it will come but when ? so i decided to write, sleeps over rated any ways . Utah ... what can i say its seems so foreign and yet the feeling is familiar from living in Lexington ky , Seattle wa , Hyde PARK ny , I just dont know yet, theres no synopsis just questions and pieces that will later fall in to place . Very cold for sure and where i live is not in walking distance from the main strip , but everyone i live with has a car ill just miss the independence in a coffee shop or bar . so i know this is short very chaotic and probably not the best post but im tired and tired of not sleeping so wish and pray for my sleep but all is well and on its way which in ways is more exciting . wow im tired
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Matt Comes Home To Cook

I am briefly hacking Matt's blog to show that his trip home brought him to all parts of Southern California, including a Metrolink train, that sent him further east than any of us should ever need to go. Making a brief stop in Long Beach, he cooked for some friends and his two sisters, one of which is writing this. On a Wednesday morning waking to the smells of coffee brewing and the sound of bell peppers hissing from the flame of the stove, we watched Matt wield his knife, roast tomatoes and talk of his experiences at school. He made us breakfast pizza, which if you have not had I highly recommend. Take everything you like about pizza and breakfast, a little more than half way through crack some eggs on top and it looks something like this.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
My time at school is flying by so quickly i feel so distant from where i started , theres some familiar faces but its almost never enough to make any real connection. School is interesting for the reasons of a new class starts every three weeks and one older class graduates its a rotating door that never seems constant . Im happy being here i just think that i get anxious to see where im at , so far from home, surrounded by the Hudson valleys beauty and remote location , and by a sea of people whom love food or love the food network. I intend on making this world mine , im just puzzled and curious to see how this step will guide or aid me in doing so . confused puzzled and feeling as if my world is incomplete ,on my way , or on my way out time will tell i just observe and take stock in peace of mind, the chicken scratch of my thoughts on paper are not grim but truthful
Monday, June 21, 2010
Its 9.43am and light sneaks its way through my blinds , the Hudson sits reflecting the sun off its back. My first day of a production kitchen is well on its way and surely ill feel it really sink in once i have my coffee. "Seattle Habits" Viewing the Hudson moving constantly is a nice vacation off your mind, you forget for a little that you cant walk anywhere ,and all your friends and family are half way across the country ...its a nice distraction. well wish me luck and i hope to write soon.
Monday, April 5, 2010
i must apologize The sun has kept me from any new post. Waking up to see the warm sunshine reflecting off the Hudson river is amazing. Hearing West Point and Vassar Crew teams gliding against the water was once an annoyance but now a welcomed daily tradition. It has been the turning point in the understanding why people live and have homes out here. It was a hard idea to swallow knowing one of the largest and coolest epicenters of the world is two hours away . ITs a clear understanding people like separation either living here daily or your vacation home away from the city.I can understand why people enjoy the Hudson valley whether its the small town atmosphere , Old Industrial history , the amazing (mostly locally driven) foods, or just how epic the scenery is . A month ago i couldn't fathom the idea of staying but as the weather changes , so does the attitude.
This weekend was spent outside ,a group of friends and myself basked in the sun at the Vanderbilt mansion . There we laid like seals in the hot sun trying to remember the last time it was available on the weekend . Throwing the Frisbee ,running around the tall grass , cheering the numerous glasses of wine in celebration for the dry alcohol never tasted better in the scenery and company of each other. We Listened to music ,philosophizing about life and what is to come of it, through are past and the directions we would like to head. I painted trying to use the facets of my surrounding searching for inspiration ,and to transcend the excitement of jubilation on to canvas. I had expressed there was nothing to do here in Hyde Park which is still true ,however what i realized is that this small town offers a slow pace of life i had not really delved into. It strikes me a little off when i right this ,but the simplicity of good company in a nice surrounding made it much more enjoyable. Not having to look at a watch, no emails, no deadline or homework to worry about was as much physically as well as mentally calming .I can only hope to never forget the simplicity of disconnection ; for i know that the stress of this world will continually try to lead us astray .
That night we went to dinner at the Rhinebeck Inn one of the oldest inn's of America . We were treated with a level of respect and generosity that i have never known . The Executive Chef was a CIA Grad. and welcomed us to a few samplers with a wine pair for each cheese , cracker, preserve , and moosh boosh (teeny tiny food). I had not ever had the chance to hear what inspired the layout of a menu, and why it was. We started out with (the Tower) it was a three leveled platter that was filled with all sorts of culinary treats. Smoked cured salmon with fried capers some sort of tartar sauce on little pieces of soft toast, miniature short ribs with meat that was so tender it fell right off the bone, beer battered home made onion rings and cod fried fillets, home maid chips, bacon ale macaroni and cheese, and cheeses and jellys were every where it was awesome. It was a general consensus that we were all going to eat some of each others food so we could all equally enjoy the food with out having to hold back any description or flavor. I ordered calves liver with confit onions and frisee salad ,i thought there would be a good chance of an introduction to a new protein there and felt adventurous for it. My pal Brian ordered the casuelay which was packed with Salmon , salted Cod, and shell fish in a yellow broth . My other friends Jake and his girlfriend Liz ordered the 170z Rib eye that had a puree of foe gras and black truffles with fried onions on top "amazing" . It was the first time being able to enjoy a beautiful decadent , meal with people my age whom truly appreciated the service and finesse of the culinary application. We ended the night with sticky bottom toffee ,it looked like a simple bread that had been cooked in a mini cast iron pan , however it was everything the perfect meal needed to be finished off with . every little morsel of that bread was an explosion of flavor and sweetness that gave you a better out look on life. Any person that took a spoonful of that dessert felt good about where they were in life . We paid the bill and enjoyed the rest of the night in what i can only refer to a swollen state of bliss . That night i rested my head on the pillow wondering of all my friends and family back home , falling asleep i said silently "im on my way"
This weekend was spent outside ,a group of friends and myself basked in the sun at the Vanderbilt mansion . There we laid like seals in the hot sun trying to remember the last time it was available on the weekend . Throwing the Frisbee ,running around the tall grass , cheering the numerous glasses of wine in celebration for the dry alcohol never tasted better in the scenery and company of each other. We Listened to music ,philosophizing about life and what is to come of it, through are past and the directions we would like to head. I painted trying to use the facets of my surrounding searching for inspiration ,and to transcend the excitement of jubilation on to canvas. I had expressed there was nothing to do here in Hyde Park which is still true ,however what i realized is that this small town offers a slow pace of life i had not really delved into. It strikes me a little off when i right this ,but the simplicity of good company in a nice surrounding made it much more enjoyable. Not having to look at a watch, no emails, no deadline or homework to worry about was as much physically as well as mentally calming .I can only hope to never forget the simplicity of disconnection ; for i know that the stress of this world will continually try to lead us astray .
That night we went to dinner at the Rhinebeck Inn one of the oldest inn's of America . We were treated with a level of respect and generosity that i have never known . The Executive Chef was a CIA Grad. and welcomed us to a few samplers with a wine pair for each cheese , cracker, preserve , and moosh boosh (teeny tiny food). I had not ever had the chance to hear what inspired the layout of a menu, and why it was. We started out with (the Tower) it was a three leveled platter that was filled with all sorts of culinary treats. Smoked cured salmon with fried capers some sort of tartar sauce on little pieces of soft toast, miniature short ribs with meat that was so tender it fell right off the bone, beer battered home made onion rings and cod fried fillets, home maid chips, bacon ale macaroni and cheese, and cheeses and jellys were every where it was awesome. It was a general consensus that we were all going to eat some of each others food so we could all equally enjoy the food with out having to hold back any description or flavor. I ordered calves liver with confit onions and frisee salad ,i thought there would be a good chance of an introduction to a new protein there and felt adventurous for it. My pal Brian ordered the casuelay which was packed with Salmon , salted Cod, and shell fish in a yellow broth . My other friends Jake and his girlfriend Liz ordered the 170z Rib eye that had a puree of foe gras and black truffles with fried onions on top "amazing" . It was the first time being able to enjoy a beautiful decadent , meal with people my age whom truly appreciated the service and finesse of the culinary application. We ended the night with sticky bottom toffee ,it looked like a simple bread that had been cooked in a mini cast iron pan , however it was everything the perfect meal needed to be finished off with . every little morsel of that bread was an explosion of flavor and sweetness that gave you a better out look on life. Any person that took a spoonful of that dessert felt good about where they were in life . We paid the bill and enjoyed the rest of the night in what i can only refer to a swollen state of bliss . That night i rested my head on the pillow wondering of all my friends and family back home , falling asleep i said silently "im on my way"
Monday, March 22, 2010
Its been awhile since sitting at my desk looking at this blank blog entry where i look for things to mention ,how this new setting has so many different things ,but what to mention still haunts my brain. Well coming from Seattle weather is always appropriate . last weekend was amazing the sun graced us with its presence and warmth, kids were running around neglecting homework and taking advantage of the energy that comes with that. On Friday we celebrate the weeks end and people are moving in every direction except academia ,on Saturday we rehydrate and try to find any remaining students stuck on campus to hang with ,on Sunday you understand the mistakes of your procrastination and you buckle down hitting the books again. Today being Monday and a gray ,rainy ,wet Monday at that is perfect to find your focus on school. I'm still finding myself figuring out this place , Its not very confusing ,or hard to navigate ,but still keeps your eyes alive with little bits of information ,and mysterys unraveled. I know that by the time i don't have any rocks unturned ill be bored out of my mind but when this obstacle comes all be ready , or swamped with school.
Its truly a beautiful place ,but truly different i cant wait for spring if only to see what is next, i wont hold my breathe ,but i will keep you posted take care all , i hope i find some inspiration to guide me through this literary journey .
Its truly a beautiful place ,but truly different i cant wait for spring if only to see what is next, i wont hold my breathe ,but i will keep you posted take care all , i hope i find some inspiration to guide me through this literary journey .
Thursday, March 11, 2010
New York city is crazy huge .I've never felt so rushed in a city ,and had nothing to do . Its an unsaid tension in the air reminding you to keep moving and not to stop ,especially not in somebodies way. If you find yourself at a halt a switch turns on in your head reminding you of the crowds surrounding. Reminding you, your not from here and get out of the way of those who are. It was such a nice weekend the sun was shinning filling those present with an energy of warmth. Seeing the crowds running the streets made it almost impossible to think of how much it snows , and begs the question what will actually stop a New Yorker. The rush was exciting i must admit ,and to realize cardiac disease is on the rise was ever present. throughout the day we ran around Brooklyn to Manhattan uptown to downtown , my friends pointed and i followed willingly and eager to see what was next. We traveled to Bars to Bistros New York delis , to the hundreds of mini marts ,Grand central to Central park trying to absorb and breathe in a culture based off of so many. Tendencies and undertones of how the big apple works ,is a constant reminder that the ports of this city held the keys to many American dreams . This bustle of hard work and to better ones self is always present . I'm left in awe...
Saturday, March 6, 2010
finally I'm out of my remedial math and English class I passed with an A- in math and a C+ in English throughout my life it seems english was easy but evidentally something must have switched. today starts my 5 day weekend and i think some friends and i will be heading to the city. It will be nice to get out of Hyde Park aside from a few bars , American family powerhouses (FDR 's house and the Vanderbilts ), and few pizza spots there is not much to do . My buddy Manny is visiting from California with a co worker so i plan on having lunch and it will be nice to have a few laughs with some one from home. The weather seems to be clearing up the last of the snow , but with it being march we might get a few more storms before spring is in full affect. Living in Seattle was a good preperation for moving to New York some days i forget that i live here now ,im reminded that i had an entirely different life there , and how much i miss it. New York is cool though i hope to create and harvest new relationships . Its the most ackward and exciting thing a person can do . its nice to know that this school rotates people in and out so fast, it's a reminder that I only have so much time and to make the best of what time i have here. I could talk about how bad the weather is and how stupid some of these kids are but why waste my breathe . Im content with where im at despite how different it is. What i like about this is that there is no need to compare New York to california or Seattle , its nice to come to terms with this difference and own it while i can. Everyday is the start of where i want to be for tomorrow this process will feel long and timely but i know like all good things it will be up fast so savor the moment and breathe it all in .
Friday, February 26, 2010
Well its cold, snowy , icy, and wet these past few days ive woke up at 7:00 am to call the campus hot line to find out if classes were canceled. the good news is that im getting my moneys worth the bad news was having to get to class.Its cold so much colder than any other situation i have ever been in. Because the campus is so small anyone can find refuge in the many buildings . Its expected that we should get close to 17 inches of snow ,just in time for the weekend so i will be bundling up to say the least. Every morning i get to look over the Hudson river and see the ice move slowly down the banks. Its calming to look at ,and even in the winter its beautiful
Today i got a 97% on my math test its the first time ever.
Today i got a 97% on my math test its the first time ever.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Today seems to be a really nice day the snows is melting and the sun is out shining . last Night was the first week end for my class so every kid from my class was out and going crazy. Something was in the air , Im happy to say i retired early to my room in desperate need of sleep . its interesting to see the excitement for a lot of these students being away from home for the first time or just filled with the energy to meet new people or expierence new relationships. I thinks its pretty exciting but continue to remind my self that i have a goal at hand and a task tat i cant lose sight of.
My math and English class seem to be a good over view of subjects that i have already taken . Its a good reminder , i wish i had looked at some over view before i took this placement test. Well here i am and at least im not alone , its just over view that i need to get by then i can hopefully get into the kitchen. wish me luck and ill post more later.
My math and English class seem to be a good over view of subjects that i have already taken . Its a good reminder , i wish i had looked at some over view before i took this placement test. Well here i am and at least im not alone , its just over view that i need to get by then i can hopefully get into the kitchen. wish me luck and ill post more later.
Friday, February 19, 2010
These past 5 days have been a long haberdashery of information and supplies . I recieved my books, knives, vaccines ,ID card for food and doors ,and a comprehensive math and english fundamentals class that will be done in three weeks. Its been a lot to absorb and take part of .
People students , and faculty are really helpful . Everyone is or has been in the same place as all of us lost freshmen . Not nearly the amount of angry fratt boy attitude ive seen at other colleges
People students , and faculty are really helpful . Everyone is or has been in the same place as all of us lost freshmen . Not nearly the amount of angry fratt boy attitude ive seen at other colleges
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I think it finally hit when i saw New York city ,im here i thought despite being very tired because the lack of sleep on the plane, hungry ,and kinda lost i reached my destination. New York has a funny way of building on top of each other ,theres so many people running every where in a rush and busy busy busy ,but all a mystery to spectators. Getting on the train my journey had to continue flying north on tracks that clicked and clacked , seeing trees instead of sky scrapers ,the Hudson instead of streets, and people in cars not taxis. when i finally reached my destination I understood I was along way from California .
I share a double room with this kid name Matt hes from Florida and soon to be out of here taking the knowledge of the CIA to a real Paying kitchen . Its seems to be a lot better living situation than i expected.Every morning a freight train passes sometimes as early as six and as late as 3am ;depending how much sleep i get i debate breakfest "which is the only optional meal" thats served at 6am til 730 ." i havent made it yet. Lunch is served at 11am and dinners at 5 pm so far the food has been awesome . Better yet we get participating points for going. Lunch and Dinner are set up in a way that your waited on by students whom are in hospitality class.we get a three course meal each time we eat and are catered to from as normal as drink orders to annoying as brushing up crumbs off your table. Each person plays as the gm "general manager"each persons waits each person busses and runs food.
the Last two days have been a repeatetive orientation cute games to know each other , lots of tours of the campuss, and ground rules to scare you into compliance. im happy to have finally got my classes and some sort of understanding of whats expected of me . Talking about this place for such along period of time and being here now is surreal im happy to be here and happy to look at where ill be heading. im really tired right now so ill check in later and god bless
I share a double room with this kid name Matt hes from Florida and soon to be out of here taking the knowledge of the CIA to a real Paying kitchen . Its seems to be a lot better living situation than i expected.Every morning a freight train passes sometimes as early as six and as late as 3am ;depending how much sleep i get i debate breakfest "which is the only optional meal" thats served at 6am til 730 ." i havent made it yet. Lunch is served at 11am and dinners at 5 pm so far the food has been awesome . Better yet we get participating points for going. Lunch and Dinner are set up in a way that your waited on by students whom are in hospitality class.we get a three course meal each time we eat and are catered to from as normal as drink orders to annoying as brushing up crumbs off your table. Each person plays as the gm "general manager"each persons waits each person busses and runs food.
the Last two days have been a repeatetive orientation cute games to know each other , lots of tours of the campuss, and ground rules to scare you into compliance. im happy to have finally got my classes and some sort of understanding of whats expected of me . Talking about this place for such along period of time and being here now is surreal im happy to be here and happy to look at where ill be heading. im really tired right now so ill check in later and god bless
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